1.Watering in summer As the temperature rises, the watering frequency of the lawn must be adjusted in time to prevent the lawn from drying out and turning yellow.It is recommended to use KASHIN Turf Sprayer. When windy, hot and dry weather lasts for a long time, the number of waterings per week should be appropriately increased based on the normal watering frequency. Irregular watering schedules can make your lawn more susceptible to damage.
2.Proper watering: Insufficient watering may weaken the resistance of the lawn, making the lawn susceptible to diseases and weeds. Overwatering will cause the lawn to become deprived of oxygen. This can lead to physiological diseases and root damage. Irrigation or rainfall should be fully utilized. Make sure your lawn is getting enough water during its growing season.
3.Environmentally friendly fertilization: Pay attention to environmental protection when fertilizing lawns. After fertilizing, spilled fertilizers should be removed promptly and the driveway should be swept to prevent spilled fertilizers from flowing into streets and sewers with rainwater or other channels, thereby causing waterway pollution.
4.Prevent and control pests: Lawns that lack good maintenance are susceptible to insect attack. Therefore, before using pesticides, you should first check the fertilization, irrigation and weeding measures of the lawn. Improvements in these measures will not only reduce pest infestations, but also make your lawn healthier and more beautiful. The larvae of several insects chew through the roots of grass in spring and summer, causing damage to turf. Insecticides can also be effective if the larvae are close to the soil surface. Insecticides can be used to eliminate pests in early to mid-July.
5.Decorate the lawn: If you want to mow the lawn into a “strip” or “block” pattern similar to that found in professional baseball fields, you can use the “round-trip mowing method” to achieve this. Using the “round-trip mowing method” to mow the lawn can move the blades toward the lawn. Curved in opposite directions, the sunlight is refracted in different directions, creating a difference in grass color.
6.Recycle the grass clippings: Instead of throwing away the clipped grass, it is better to recycle the clipped grass by using a grass clipping lawn mower or increasing the frequency of mowing. Rather than forming a layer of dead grass, these shredded grasses provide valuable nutrients to the lawn, thereby reducing the need for fertilizer.
7.Control weeds: In addition to broad-leaf weeds such as dandelions and gramineous weeds, they will occur in summer. Select appropriate herbicides according to the type of weeds for control.
8.Lawn loosening: Special aeration equipment can be used to loosen lawn, but the aeration process is relatively slow. If your lawn does not have soil compaction or dead grass problems, it is not necessary to aerate your lawn.
Post time: Jul-24-2024