Summer lawn care, the secret to keeping your lawn healthy and disease-free!

With the arrival of summer, the growth of cool-season lawns gradually weakens. The hot and rainy climate conditions make lawns extremely susceptible to various diseases, causing dieback and death. How to strengthen maintenance and management to ensure that lawns survive the summer safely?


Lawn maintenance in summer is mainly to enhance resistance and improve the growth robustness and disease resistance of grass plants, combined with scientific fertilization, pruning, drilling and other measures to improve lawn ventilation and light transmission conditions, reduce soil moisture, and reduce pathogens Probability of contamination. In addition to the above measures, the application of lawn antibacterial and growth-control free-cutting agents also plays an important role.


The role of lawn antibacterial, lawn growth control and no-cutting agents

1. During the growing season of the lawn, the frequency of mowing is high, but each mowing will bring serious stress to the growth of the lawn. It needs to continuously consume a large amount of nutrients to heal the wounds. Especially after pruning, it is more susceptible to bacterial infection, so nutrients and sterilization are required. sprays of chemicals to repair this damage. The application of lawn antibacterial and growth-control free-cutting agents can significantly reduce the number of lawn mowings, reduce the chance of damage and disease, and help the lawn get rid of the stress damage caused by frequent mowing.

2. Among lawn maintenance costs, lawn mowing, grass clippings cleaning, machine tool repair and maintenance, fuel use and labor expenses also cause large expenses. The application of lawn antibacterial and growth-controlling-free cutting agents on lawns plays a positive role in saving energy consumption and reducing maintenance costs.

Features of the overgrowth-free cutting agent include controlling overgrowth, inhibiting bacteria, and supplementing phosphorus and potassium.

1. Enhance the robustness of the lawn and reduce the frequency of mowing: It is a highly concentrated preparation of potassium phosphite that controls the growth of the lawn. It also quickly replenishes the lawn with phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, stimulates cells to synthesize polysaccharides, inhibits the synthesis of gibberellins, and ultimately controls the growth of the lawn and promotes The leaves are thickened and greened, promote roots and tillering, control the top advantage, slow down the vertical growth rate of the lawn, enhance the robustness of the stems and leaves, make the roots deep and strong, and the amount of lawn pruning after use is greatly reduced.

2. Strong disease prevention and antibacterial ability: The main component, potassium phosphite, is a classic product combined with medicinal fertilizers, which can greatly reduce the use of pesticides. Its disease resistance is an acquired systemic disease resistance, also known as induced Systemic disease resistance. The trivalent phosphorus ions released by potassium phosphite have a strong inhibitory effect on pathogenic bacteria, can block the invasion and expansion of various pathogens, and effectively reduce various lawn diseases. When pathogenic bacteria invade, potassium phosphite can induce plant cells to produce lignin, increase the thickness and hardness of cell walls, block the invasion of pathogenic bacteria, act as a protective fungicide, and at the same time improve the stress and disease resistance of the lawn, and improve the weakening of the lawn. Growing.

KASHIN Green Reel Mower

3. Quickly supplement phosphorus and potassium fertilizer: It is highly concentrated potassium phosphite, which not only controls growth and sterilizes bacteria, but also is a high-phosphorus and high-potassium fertilizer. It can supplement a large amount of phosphorus and potassium elements for the lawn, especially suitable for summer lawn maintenance. In summer, Lawns should use high-nitrogen materials with caution, and add P and K fertilizers in an appropriate amount. The application can quickly replenish phosphorus and potassium, promote root nourishment, and improve the growth potential of the lawn.

Performance on lawns

1. Control the vertical growth of lawns, reduce the number of mowings, and avoid frequent bacterial infections caused by frequent mowing.

2. Control the growth of the lawn and maintain the ideal height of the lawn for a long time.

3. Make the lawn green, enhance the straightness of the leaves, and improve the ornamental and robustness.

4. Inhibit bacteria and prevent diseases, effectively prevent various lawn diseases, and improve the lawn’s disease resistance and drought resistance.

5. Increase lawn tillers, promote root development, deepen the root layer, and improve lawn stress resistance.


After the lawn enters June, high temperature and high humidity will induce a large number of diseases. Especially the cold season lawns in the north enter a critical period of maintenance. In order to make the lawn strong and disease-free, you can spray it to control the growth without pruning and promote roots and tillering. , improve disease resistance, reduce the occurrence of diseases, save maintenance costs, and achieve multiple goals with one stone!

Post time: Jun-06-2024

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