
  • How to manage lawns and turfs

    Lawns and turfs are not built once and for all. Like children, they always need your careful care everywhere to grow healthily. Many lawn builders ignore this point and fail to achieve the expected results. The following are several basic measures for managing lawns. If you master them, I believe...
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  • Lawn maintenance – how to build a beautiful and satisfying lawn

    1. Choose the type of grass Choosing the right grass is the first and most critical step to a successful lawn. If you are in the north, you can choose cool-season grasses (bluegrass, tall fescue, ryegrass, red fescue, bentgrass, etc.); if you are in the south, you can choose warm-season grasses (...
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  • How can golf courses increase revenue and reduce maintenance costs?

    The annual maintenance costs of golf courses are increasing year by year, ranging from 2 million to 5 million yuan on average. How to effectively “increase revenue and reduce costs”? I would like to share some suggestions and opinions based on my own years of experience in the industr...
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  • Lawn maintenance – What should be paid attention to in daily lawn maintenance?

    The lawn is one of the hardware components of the square, and its quality directly affects the overall appearance of the square. Even pruning is the most important part of lawn maintenance. If the lawn is not pruned in time, the upper part of its stem will grow too fast, and sometimes it will set...
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  • Lawn maintenance – tips for quick germination of lawn seeds

    There are two methods for germinating lawn seeds: 1. High temperature germination, used when the temperature is low, can increase the sowing period by 10 to 15 days. 2. Normal temperature germination, used during the normal sowing period, can also improve the quality of germination and reduce the...
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  • A brief discussion on the planting and maintenance of golf courses

    As a new form of landscaping, golf course landscaping plays an increasingly important role in golf courses. However, unlike ordinary landscaping, the landscaping of golf courses must not only focus on aesthetic landscapes, but also meet the requirements of golf and not hinder the normal developme...
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  • Lawn management technology

    Lawns have the functions of purifying air, absorbing dust, preventing noise, resisting pollution and absorbing drugs, reducing soil erosion, improving soil structure, slowing down solar radiation, protecting and restoring eyesight, greening and beautifying cities, and improving urban ecology. The...
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  • A brief discussion on the significance of drilling greens

    Spring in May is the best season for most golf courses in China. The withered warm-season lawns wake up from hibernation, and the bent grass is full of vitality, providing the most ideal greens. For golf enthusiasts, the suitable temperature, warm sunshine, green golf courses, and especially the ...
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  • How to fertilize a lawn

    The healthy growth of a lawn depends on a variety of nutrients. Although these nutrients are already present in the soil, they still need to be “replenished”. 1. Choose the right fertilizer. Nitrogen is not only the element with the highest content in plants, but also the nutrient tha...
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