There are two methods for germinating lawn seeds:
1. High temperature germination, used when the temperature is low, can increase the sowing period by 10 to 15 days.
2. Normal temperature germination, used during the normal sowing period, can also improve the quality of germination and reduce the labor of seedling management.
After germination, the seeds germinate quickly and have good quality. Due to the increase in germination rate, the seed sowing amount can be appropriately reduced by 20-25%. At the same time, due to the shortened germination period, the labor of watering during the seedling period is reduced.
Germination operation points
1. Soak the dry seeds in water for 1 to 2 hours first. Cold season grass seeds can be soaked in cold water or slightly warm water.
2. After the seeds are fished out, they should be mixed with clean river sand without debris at a ratio of 20 times the sowing amount, and stirred evenly. After holding the seeds in the hand, it is advisable that no water drips between the fingers (the ratio of river sand can be more or less, more is conducive to sowing.
3. During the normal sowing period, the normal temperature germination method is generally used. The seeds mixed with sand are piled on the ordinary floor or covered with mulch to keep warm and moisturize, which can also promote their early germination.
4. When the temperature is low, the high temperature germination method is used. Usually, the seeds mixed with sand are packed into containers such as snakeskin bags and wooden boxes according to the sowing area of 100 square meters, and moved into the greenhouse for germination. The temperature and stacking time vary depending on the grass species. The cold season grass must be controlled at around 28℃ and generally stacked for 2 to 3 days.
5.During the germination and stacking period, the bud condition should be checked twice a day. If some of the seeds are found to have “white tips”, they should be sown quickly. Generally, cold-season grass seeds can be stacked for up to 3 days. Regardless of whether they are “white” or not, they should be sown quickly to prevent the seeds from mildewing.
1.The soaked seeds that have been germinated must be sown on the moistened nursery ground. After morning and evening dew and sunlight, they will germinate quickly. If the germinated wet seeds are sown in a dry place, the germination rate will be reduced due to sun and wind, so it is better to sow in the rainy season.
2.The nursery ground that has been deeply plowed and leveled should be deeply irrigated half a day or one day before sowing. The wet soil layer must be more than 20 cm. In this way, the wet seeds can emerge a few days after sowing. Because the soil in the nursery ground is wet, it is generally not necessary to spray water after sowing.
Sowing method of wet seeds after germination
1. It is very difficult to sow, sow and cover the soil over a large area. Generally, the nursery ground is divided into 10 00 square meters is a sowing unit, and it is further divided into 100 square meters when sowing to avoid missing and duplication.
2. The grass seeds are small, so the wet soil can be gently “pulled” with a fine-toothed rake before sowing. After the seeds are sown, the seeds can be pulled down with a fine-toothed rake so that they fall into the soil particles. Or, the seeds sown on the surface can be knocked down into the gaps between the soil particles by using a bamboo broom to press the soil layer, so that the soil particles and seeds are closely combined. After many inspections, most seeds can fall into the gaps between the soil using the “pulling down” and “beating down” methods of pulling rakes or bamboo brooms, which plays a covering role.
Post time: Nov-20-2024