How to maintain golf course lawns-Two

When the temperature reaches above 28℃, the photosynthesis of cool-season lawn grass decreases and carbohydrate synthesis decreases. Eventually, carbohydrate consumption exceeds its production. During this period, the cool-season lawn relies on its stored carbohydrates to maintain life. Even if the plant is dormant and the leaves lose their green color, the plant still respires. When it stops respiring, the plant will die.

When the soil temperature rises, the respiration rate actually rises. In addition, the reduction of photosynthesis under high temperature causes carbohydrate consumption to be faster than its production. This is the main reason for the decline of summer bentgrass. The study also concluded that the difference between carbohydrate production and consumption will decrease when the mowing height is increased.

Most golfers need a green playing surface, and long-term dormancy will cause plant death. Irrigation is an important method to prevent dormancy, and other measures can also improve the ability of plants to avoid dormancy, survive dormancy, and recover from dormancy. Most measures must be implemented before the onset of summer stress, which some managers call “pre-stress conditioning”, as follows:

1. Raising the mowing height can make the lawn root system deeper and denser;

2.Other morphological changes, thereby improving drought resistance. Minimize irrigation without affecting the surface quality of the lawn. Mild drought stress between two irrigations reduces branch growth and promotes root growth. Similarly, moderate irrigation in spring can promote deeper root growth to resist summer heat and drought. However, under high temperature stress, sufficient water supply must be ensured so that the lawn can reduce plant temperature through transpiration.
Golf Course Cooling Fan
3. Avoid nitrogen application in spring and summer to prevent the above-ground part of the plant from growing too fast and damaging the root growth.

4. Choose heat and drought resistant grass species and varieties

5. Promote root growth and strength: Take measures to promote root growth throughout the year. Deeper and denser roots can improve the drought resistance of the lawn and enable the plant to absorb more water from a wider range of soil. Drilling holes increases soil permeability and allows for more developed root growth.

6. Cooling the soil: Blowing cool air to the putting green through a drainage pipe is widely used in Western countries.

7. Cooling the lawn: Spraying and cooling the lawn through evaporation.

8. Limiting trampling: Minimize trampling or entry on the lawn in summer.

Post time: Dec-04-2024

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