How should the natural turf of professional football fields be maintained?

Natural turf maintenance of football fields, as many venue managers have experienced personally, the maintenance of football field lawns is even more difficult than other types of lawn maintenance. Especially when the venue not only hosts Chinese and Super League competitions, but also hosts national team or international A-level events, as well as concerts and other cultural and sports activities, a particularly small oversight in maintenance often leads to particularly big problems. At the same time, remedial Time and opportunity are extremely scarce. Therefore, first of all, what I want to say is that people with a professional background in turfgrass should be engaged in the maintenance of sports ground lawns, rather than just people who can do it casually after simple training. This is really not good at maintaining sports ground lawns, especially football fields. There are many problems with lawns that cannot be realized through short-term training and long-term wrong experience.


Then I briefly talk about my views on maintenance.

Football field of turf maintenance is a seemingly simple but actually tedious process. It’s simple because, like all lawns, it requires a complete maintenance plan, including mowing, fertilizing, spraying, irrigating, drilling, rolling, thinning, etc. However, the difference is that football is a fiercely competitive sport. After the game, the lawn needs to be repaired, suppressed, watered, etc. The lawn after the game is relatively weak and prone to disease, so it needs more attention to maintenance. Regarding maintenance, I think we should pay attention to the following points:

Sports Field Spring Tines Harrow

1) Pay attention to scientific management and improve quality before the competition,

According to the situation and location of the site, it is most reasonable to manage the lawn according to local conditions. In the daily management of the site, important quality indicators such as the hardness of the site and grass height should be controlled, and fertilization and management should be carried out rationally.

2) Pay attention to lawn repair after the game, especially areas that have been severely trampled.

3) Pay attention to the impact of weather and microclimate in the venue on lawn growth, and conduct pest and disease control in a timely manner according to the situation.

Here, it should be reminded that the occurrence of pests and diseases should be predicted based on weather and temperature. Early prevention and early treatment should be achieved. This is the time to test the experience and strength of a caregiver.

4) Pay attention to the small environment in the venue and provide timely lighting, ventilation or wind control.

5) Should have the ability to deal with emergencies.

There is not much written about maintenance, mainly because everyone has to think about how to write. In fact, I think an excellent lawn is more than 50% determined where it is built, and the space to improve the quality of the lawn through maintenance should be within 50%. But this does not mean that building is better than raising protection is important, both are equally important.


At this point, I have roughly expressed my thoughts, but there is one more thing I want to say, that is, the owners, managers and builders of the venues in the industry should have more faith in our own people and our research institutions. , Open the stadium to research institutions for joint research. Don’t look at everything abroad. Only in this way can domestic research on football fields be improved faster, and more and more practical results can be produced to truly enhance the strength of our country’s football.


Post time: May-22-2024

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