Golf course management methods for greens-Four

The intensity of investment in management measures required for tall grass areas depends on factors such as the species used, intensity of court use, playing speed and severity of penalties:

1.Be appropriately punitive. Tall rough areas punish golfers for errant shots in three ways. The first is through higher lawn mowing height penalties. This method is also the most common punishment method in tall grass areas; the second method is punishment through dense grass. Dense clumps of lawn grow in clumps, with bare ground exposed between the clumps of grass. It is difficult to control the ball well when the ball lands on the bare ground between the clumps of grass, which increases the difficulty of playing. This situation usually occurs in summer droughts and soil conditions. Tall grass areas with high sand content; the third is through fluffy turf penalty.

2.Maintain a certain mowing height. Makes it easier to spot balls landed in tall grass. If the ball lands in the tall grass and is difficult to find, it will affect the speed of the ball.

3.The lawn in the tall grass area should have a deeper root system and a richer root system to help fix the soil, prevent soil erosion and reduce maintenance intensity. In addition, the lawn in the tall grass area should also have the ability to withstand a certain degree of trampling by golf carts and humans to avoid the death or degradation of the lawn due to trampling, resulting in exposed soil and soil erosion.

4. The lawn in the tall grass area should be able to grow well under extensive management to reduce the management costs of the course and provide players with opportunities for punishment and challenge.
fairway lawns
Pest and disease management In addition to the above standards, there are also different requirements for pest and disease management on greens, tees, fairways, and rough areas.

1.Putting green: The turf grass coverage should reach more than 99%, with no obvious lesions, no weeds, and no more than 3 pests per square meter.

2.Teeing table: Turf grass coverage should reach more than 97%, the area of diseased spots should not exceed 3% of the lawn area, there should be no more than 2 weeds per square meter, and there should be no more than 5 pests per square meter.

3.Fairway: Turf grass coverage should reach more than 95%, the area of diseased spots should not exceed 3% of the lawn area, there should be no more than 3 weeds per square meter, and there should be no more than 5 pests per square meter.

4. Tall grass area: The lawn grass coverage should reach more than 90%, the area of diseased spots should not exceed 5% of the lawn area, the number of weeds should not exceed 5 per square meter, and the number of pests should not exceed 7 per square meter.
The flowering period of medicinal herbs can be extended by more than a week; that of autumn chrysanthemums can be extended by more than a month.

Post time: Sep-19-2024

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