As the most important part of the golf course, the green has extremely strict requirements for turf quality. Whether the green lawn is well planted or not is directly related to whether it can meet the ideal requirements of players and the difficulty of maintaining high-quality green maintenance and management in the future. Therefore, the proper establishment and maintenance of putting green lawns is extremely important. The construction steps are described below:
一. Platform bed preparation
After the fine shaping of the green is completed, the root layer mixture has been laid, and the soil improvement work has been completed during the preparation of the root layer mixture. Therefore, there is no flat bed construction project during the green lawn establishment process. Preparing the green bed requires adjusting the pH value of the soil, disinfecting the bed, applying base fertilizer, and smoothing the surface of the green.
1.Adjustment of the pH value of the soil in the flat bed: Most of the pH adjustment work should be completed before planting. The adjusting material should be mixed at least in the upper part of the root layer 10 to 15cm deep. Agricultural limestone is most commonly used with acidic soil. Adjusting fine particles is conducive to its rapid reaction. Marble is used in acidic soil containing iron and magnesium. Sulfur is generally applied to highly alkaline soil. The amount of aggregate applied is based on the results of the soil test. Assuming the root layer mix is the same and mixed properly, the rate applied to all greens should be the same. It is worth noting that conditioning materials can be mixed in after the root layer mix is placed on the site, or they can be added when the root layer mix is mixed. The latter method ensures that the entire material is thoroughly mixed in the root layer mixture to adjust the pH, but it is possible to apply a larger amount of material.
2. Flat bed disinfection treatment: Flat bed disinfection treatment is a process of chemical treatment of the green flat bed to kill weed seeds, pathogenic bacteria, insect eggs and other viable organisms in the soil. Fumigation is a more effective method for disinfecting soil. Commonly used fumigants include methyl bromide, chloride, methyl bromide, etc. Sowing can be carried out 2 to 5 days after fumigation. Whether the green bed needs to be disinfected depends on the specific situation. Generally, it needs to be carried out in the following situations: ① Nematode-susceptible areas ② Weed-heavy areas ③ Unsterilized soil is mixed into the root layer.
3. Apply base fertilizer: Almost all green root layers need to apply a certain amount of base fertilizer before planting. The type of base fertilizer and the required amount of application should be determined based on the requirements of the lawn variety and the test results of soil nutrient content. P and K fertilizers are the two main fertilizers in the base fertilizer. If the root layer is mainly sand, it is often lacking in trace elements.
Base fertilizer should generally be applied to the root layer 10 to 15cm deep on the surface, and mixed evenly with the root layer mixture. Sometimes the base is also applied when the root layer mixture is being made.
Fine and smooth flat bed: After the base fertilizer is applied, the surface of the green should be finely flattened to create a moist flat bed with a granular structure and no soil clods. Special care should be taken when leveling the tile bed to protect every small part of the green shape designed by the designer, maintain its original surface shape, and perform compaction treatment to make the tile bed surface gentle, smooth and even.
二. Planting
There are two basic methods for green construction of a new golf course: seed propagation and vegetative propagation, of which vegetative propagation can be divided into four methods: spreading, management planting, plug planting and stem sowing. Both methods can be used for bentgrass, but modified (paradise) bermudagrass can only be propagated vegetatively. Bentgrass greens are mostly constructed from seeds. The fundamental reason is that they are cheap and convenient. Sodding is also advisable when a green needs to be rebuilt quickly so it can be put back into use, but the sod used must be grown on soil similar to the root layer of the green.
Planting should be started after the new root layer has completely settled. Use a power compactor to compact the bed. Whether it is sowing seeds or planting vegetative bodies, the most important point during the implementation process is to protect the surface undulations and maintain a smooth surface as much as possible. Now we will elaborate on it from two different aspects: planting season and planting method.
Planting season: The lawn planting season is a very critical factor for quickly forming a uniform lawn. Other projects on the golf course should create good conditions for the lawn planting project so that the lawn planting can be carried out in the appropriate season. The main factor that affects lawn establishment time is temperature conditions. The optimum temperature for seed germination of cool-season turfgrass is 15-28°C, and the optimum temperature for seed germination of warm-season turfgrass is 21-35°C. The optimum temperature for seedling growth is 25~35℃. The best time to plant cool-season turfgrass is from late summer to early fall, so that the seedlings have enough time to grow and develop into a lawn before winter comes. Cool-season turfgrass can also be planted from early spring to early summer. However, due to the low ground temperature, the development of new lawns is slow, and young lawns have to experience adverse environmental stress throughout the summer. Cool-season turfgrass is generally not planted in summer. . The best planting season for warm-season turfgrass is from late spring to early summer, which not only provides a good germination temperature for the seeds, but also provides a long enough growth and development period for the young seedlings.
2. Planting methods: Seed propagation and stem propagation are the most commonly used methods for green lawn establishment in golf courses. Creeping bentgrass greens are generally sown from seed, while bermudagrass greens are generally suitable for stem sowing. The paving and turfing method is generally used to renovate greens and replace dead turf on the greens, so as to achieve the purpose of quickly turning the greens into flats and putting them into use as soon as possible.
2.1 Seed sowing: There are three techniques to pay attention to when seed sowing on greens: sowing depth, sowing uniformity and seed implantation status. The seeds of creeping bentgrass are very small and require a shallow sowing depth, generally 2 to 5mm. Sowing too deep will reduce the seed emergence rate; whether sowing is even is very important for the rapid and uniform formation of the green lawn. In order to ensure even seed coverage For the green, you can divide the green into several small areas, sow in separate areas, and sow in two perpendicular directions. Whether the seeds are fully implanted will affect the germination of the seeds and the survival rate of the seedlings. After sowing, use The rollers suppress the flat bed to ensure close contact between the seeds and the soil. Generally, rollers with a weight of 0.5~0.8t are more suitable. In addition, during the sowing process, attention should be paid to minimizing the number of people traveling on the green bed to avoid excessive footprints on the green bed.
Sowing can be done manually or mechanically. When sowing by hand, the green root layer mixture and seeds can be mixed evenly in a certain proportion, and then spread by hand. Mixing the seeds with sand will help spread the seeds evenly. Mechanical seeding can be carried out using push seeders, hand seeders or hydraulic sprayers. Putting greens are often seeded with a hand-push seeder. During operation, attention should be paid to a uniform walking speed, and the seeding amount of the seeder should be adjusted appropriately to achieve the purpose of even seeding. In order to reduce the footprints left on the green bed, hydraulic seeders are sometimes used for green seeding. Whether mechanical sowing or manual sowing, it should be carried out in windless weather, and care should be taken to prevent seeds from being sown outside the green.
Sprinkler irrigation should be carried out immediately after sowing. It is critical to keep the surface moist during the planting stage to prevent the seeds from drying out and losing their ability to germinate.
2.2 Stem and branch sowing: Manual or mechanical methods can also be used to sow stolons and branches on the green. The traditional process of planting greens with stems and branches is as follows:
① Cut the stems and branches into short stems 2 to 5cm long;
② Sprinkle half of the stems and branches on the green bed;
③Use a roller to roll the stem and branch segments so that they are fully in contact with the flat bed;
④Cover with the green root layer mixture to a thickness of 2 to 5 mm;
⑤ Use a roller to roll the branches to make full contact with the soil and make the surface smooth.
When using sowing stems and branches to build a terrace, special attention should be paid to keeping the stems and branches fresh. All stems and branches should be sown within 2 days after harvesting. Appropriate temperature, humidity and ventilation should be maintained during storage. Branches that become yellow due to heat and dry due to loss of water should be piled up. Not to be used for sowing seeds.
2.3 Sowing (stem) amount: The sowing amount of lawn mainly depends on factors such as seed purity, germination rate and seed weight. Before sowing, indicators such as seed germination rate and seed vigor should be tested to determine the appropriate seeding rate. The appropriate seeding rate of green grass seeds should be such that the young lawn plants reach 15,000 to 25,000 plants per square meter. There is no strict test standard for the sowing rate of stems and branches, and it is generally determined based on experience.
2.4 Planting turf: Planting is generally only used for green renovation and reconstruction. This method is rarely used when green grass is planted for the first time. The turf used for installation shall be a single layer of vegetation consisting of an ideal weed-free variety and have a root soil type similar to the root soil type of the green on which the turf will be planted. The turf laid on the green is generally cut into flat pieces of 0.6m×0.6m, and the thickness of the skin and soil should not exceed 1.5cm. The following points should be paid attention to when laying green lawn: ① When laying turf, the turf blocks between rows and rows and columns should be staggered to prevent the seams between the turf blocks from forming a straight line. ② Be careful when transporting turf pieces to avoid stretching or even tearing the turf. ③ Pay special attention to ensuring that the edges of two adjacent turf blocks are closely connected and seamless, and cannot overlap each other. ④ During the planting process, wooden boards should be set up for people to walk on to avoid excessive footprints on the green bed.
After the turf is laid, spread sand and level it on some areas with poor connections and gaps to make the lawn surface smooth and flat. Then, suppress and irrigate. Timely watering is very important for the healthy growth of the lawn. From now on, every one week, a small amount of soil should be applied regionally to the surface. The soil material applied on the surface must be similar to the soil in the underground root layer.
Post time: Jul-05-2024