Comprehensive golf course management measures

Course lawn is the lifeline of golf. The success or failure of course lawn management directly affects the normal operation of the course and the economic benefits of its operation. Scientific and good stadium management can not only attract many players and bring good economic benefits to the stadium, but also create a good reputation for the stadium and increase the popularity of the stadium. The green is the signature of a golf course. The viewing and applicability of the green directly affects each golfer’s feeling and evaluation of the golf course. Therefore, almost all golf course greens that can be planted with bentgrass are selected for viewing and viewing. Better creeping bentgrass. When you choose creeping bentgrass, you also choose challenges in maintenance and management. The following is some of the author’s work experience on stadium disease prevention and control in recent years.


一. Main pathogenic bacteria

Stadium turf diseases are mainly caused by fungi. As a type of microorganism, fungi are composed of hyphae that aggregate into mycelium. Fungi survive by absorbing nutrients through mycelium. Spores are a form of fungi. The spores are spread to the plant through wind, rain and other media. When conditions are suitable, the spores germinate and form fungi. Spores are the main form of disease spread. The main harm caused by fungi is that the fungi absorb nutrients from the plants, destroy the plant cells and tissues, and cause the death of the plants. Fungi can be divided into saprophytic fungi and parasitic fungi. Saprophytic fungi feed on dead organic matter, while parasitic fungi feed on living organisms and parasitize on living plants.

Fungi have no water-conducting tissue and can only rely on external moisture to reproduce. Therefore, fungi are almost inactive in dry climate conditions, which is why fungal diseases occur more seriously in high-humidity climate conditions.

The main diseases of golf course turf: brown spot, pythium, total rot, coin spot, summer spot, spring dead spot, necrotic ringspot, sickle wilt, etc.

golf course bunker rake

二. Main factors causing disease

The factors that cause diseases on the golf course turf mainly include temperature, humidity, fertilization, sprinkler irrigation, etc., which can be summarized into two aspects: climate and environmental factors and maintenance and management factors.

1.Climate and environmental factors

The climate environment is the main factor causing diseases, among which temperature and humidity are the main controlling factors. Any disease requires temperature, humidity and light conditions suitable for its own growth and reproduction. When these favorable conditions occur, the pathogens are most active and can grow and reproduce rapidly, thereby harming the lawn. Among them, humid climate is the most conducive condition for inducing fungal diseases; temperature is the second important condition for inducing diseases.

In addition to temperature and humidity, shading is also an important factor in inducing lawn diseases. Long-term low light is conducive to the activity of pathogens. Long-term shading and high humidity conditions will make lawn plants tender and juicy, making them easily infected by pathogens.

2. Maintenance management factors

Improper implementation of any management measure will lead to disease. Management factors that induce lawn diseases mainly include: pruning, fertilization, sprinkler irrigation, cultivating, etc. Among them, improper sprinkler irrigation measures and management measures that lead to poor soil drainage are the most important factors causing lawn diseases.

Pruning too low and too frequently can easily cause diseases. Each time you prune, the tops of the plant leaves will be injured, and the injured leaf veins provide opportunities for pathogens to invade; small amounts of sprinkler irrigation will keep the lawn constantly moist, creating a space environment for the lawn to grow. Excessive humidity facilitates the activity of pathogens and easily causes diseases; most lawn diseases are related to excessive application of nitrogen fertilizer. Applying large amounts of nitrogen fertilizer makes the lawn steep and long, and the plants become tender and juicy, which is conducive to disease infection; Excessive thickness of the lawn soil and poor ventilation increase the possibility of disease occurrence; poor drainage of the lawn soil not only increases soil moisture and promotes disease activity, but also affects the growth and development of the lawn root system and reduces the disease resistance of the lawn.

The intensity of lawn management and the level of management required by the lawn are also related to the disease. Generally speaking, the severity of the disease is positively correlated with the intensity of management invested in the lawn. The greater the intensity of management, the greater the chance of disease. The most diseased lawn area on the course is the green, and creeping bentgrass greens have more diseases; the second is the tee, because the management intensity placed on the tee is second only to the green; the third is the fairway grass, the fairway The management intensity on the golf course is lower than that of the tee box, but higher than that of the high grass area; the high grass area is a lawn area with fewer diseases on the course, because the number of pruning times, fertilizer application, sprinkler irrigation, etc. in the high grass area are less than other lawn areas. It can be seen that lawn management and disease occurrence seem to be an irreconcilable contradiction. However, our work proves that with proper management and scientific prevention and control measures, this contradiction can be resolved.


三. Scientific prevention and control measures

Stadium disease prevention and control refers to an effective method to prevent or use safe and environmentally friendly agents to control the development of diseases and restore the growth of lawns when the diseases first appear. Turfgrass diseases are serious and common in most golf courses in my country, and almost all agricultural fungicides are used in maintenance and control. Although golf courses are a high-input and high-output industry, compared to lawn maintenance, almost all golf courses do not invest enough. In golf course lawn management, most golf courses wait until serious lawn diseases occur before treatment. However, since it is difficult to buy products specially developed for golf course turf on the market, the turf department manager tried every means and spent a lot of time and energy to select products with special effects from traditional pesticides. The result was half the result with twice the result. Golf course turf has its own special ecological environment and ecological fragility. Coupled with the protective characteristics of the product, it is difficult to have a significant therapeutic effect on diseased turf. Therefore, the prevention and treatment of golf course turf diseases must use targeted special products. Only in this way can the product achieve better results, and the product can ensure that it can deal with the constantly mutating disease microorganisms.

Key points of prevention and control measures:

1. Prevention is the first priority and treatment is the supplementary priority.

It means that in daily maintenance and management, various management measures should be correctly implemented, and the time and implementation method of each measure should be accurately grasped, so as to keep the lawn in a healthy growth state and reduce the possibility of being infected by diseases. Secondly, prevent diseases through the daily application of some environmentally friendly biological control products. Do not wait until the disease occurs before implementing remedial measures to prevent and control toxic and harmful chemical pesticides.

2. After pruning, preventive spraying should be used to prevent and treat bacterial infections.

3. Scientific fertilization and reasonable watering.

4. Scientific and correct pruning.

5. Early detection, early diagnosis and early treatment.

6. Use professional golf course disease control products

Post time: Jun-25-2024

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